Unless you're a regular ESPN viewer, you're probably not familiar with the name Britt McHenry.
Unfortunately for the 28-year-old broadcaster, a whole lot of people are learning her name today in the worst way possible:
In the above video, McHenry goes off on a tow truck company employee while attempting to get her car out of impound.
The full video has to be seen to be believed, but here's a rundown of McHenry's most shocking insults:
- "That's why I have a degree and you don't...I wouldn't work a scumbag place like this."
- "It makes my skin crawl even being here."
- "That's all you care about is taking people's money, with no education, no skill set...Just wanted to clarify that."
- "Do you feel good about your job? So I could be a college dropout and do the same thing? Because I have a brain, and you don't?"
- "Maybe if I lost some teeth they would hire me. Because yours look so stunning. That's why I'm on television and you're in f--king a trailer."
- "Lose some weight, baby girl."
Yep, McHenry pretty much crossed off every item on the sadistic bully checklist. She clearly has lots of experience.
ESPN announced today that she will be suspended for one week.
Of course, this is just the latest in a long line of embarrassments for the once-respected sports news giant.
The network's controversial coverage of Michael Sam prompted viewers to rally a boycott last year.
Shortly thereafter, ESPN suspended Bill Simmons (one of its few personalities that anyone actually likes) for - of all things - criticizing embattled NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.
We're beginning to think the best way ESPN execs can pay tribute to the late Stuart Scott is to take the network he helped build off the air before the current crop of a-holes does any more to sully its reputation.