Winter isn't the only thing coming to Westeros.
On Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 1, viewers were teased with exciting character interactions to come, as individuals that have spent the entire run of this epic series apart will soon be coming together.
And no potential pairing is more intriguing than that of Tyrion and Daenerys.
The two most popular characters on Game of Thrones, Tyrion was smuggled away by Varys after putting an arrow in the chest of his father to close out Game of Thrones Season 4.
Dany, meanwhile, lost control of her dragons, literally losing one and locking two others away in a dungeon.
Struggling the control her new people, the Queen of Meereen was inspired by her lover on the premiere to once again become the Mother of Dragons, though that plan was met with resistance when said dragons attempted to roast the parent who put them away.
But she may be receiving assistance of a different sort after Varys told Tyrion that he came to his rescue because he wants Tyrion's help in installment someone truly befit to rule.
That would be Daenerys Targaryen... and that would be an enormous smile on our lips at the prospect of these two teaming up.
Someone decidedly NOT smiling on the opener was Cersei, who can't believe her "monster" of a little brother is still out there after all he's done.
She blames Jaime for setting Tyrion free and she guilt trips him enough (while standing over their father's corpse) that Jaime volunteers to do to Dorne and come home with their daughter, who is now in danger from those who are no longer scared of the Lannisters in the wake of Tywin's death.
And who are still pretty angry over the whole Oberyn-eye-gouging-out thing.
- Stannis is making his presence strongly felt on The Wall.
- He summoned Jon Snow for a meeting, praising him for his strength and requesting his held in convincing the Wildlings to help Stannis' fight for the throne.
- This would require Mance Rayder to kneel down before Stannis, renouncing his rule, a proposition that didn't exactly sit well with Mance.
- Mance turned Stannis down, giving the would-be king no choice (in his eyes): he burned Mance at the stake in front of everyone at The Wall, prompting Jon Snow to take action upon seeing the torture being inflicted on a man he admires.
- He climbed up high and fired an arrow in Mance's chance, giving him a merciful death that likely won't make Stannis very happy.
And that's how Game of Thrones wrapped up a premiere that moved various pieces around and set up future alliances between characters who have never before even met.
We can't wait to see where it all goes on Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 2 next Sunday, "The House of Black and White."
What did you think of the premiere? Hit the comments below!