We may never know for sure if Leonardo DiCaprio and Rihanna were actually dating, or if they just casually swapped fluids for a little while.
We do know, however, that Leo has officially pulled a Leo and moved on to a newer model. Literally.
Her name is Kelly Rohrbach. She's a 24-year-old model, and per Leo's preferences, she looks like this:
We're sure she enjoys yachts, beards and threesomes (Or, as we call them, Leo Trios.), but how long will she last?
You might think 24 sounds awfully young, considering Leo is freakin' 40, but in DiCaprio years, she's basically Bettty White.
DiCaprio dumped Toni Garnn when she was just 21, and he's got a long tradition of getting bored with his toys before they hit their mid-20s and donating them to the less-advantaged Tom Bradys and Ryan Reynolds of the world.
There were rumors that Leo broke up with Rihanna by hooking up with a model (possibly Kelly) right in front of her, but we highly doubt that's true.
With the way he gets around, if Leo were that big of a jerk, someone would've pummeled his with a blunt object years ago.
In fact, in her latest interview, Rihanna denied dating DiCaprio, and it's possible that she's telling the truth. Or maybe, just like Leo, she denies everything about her sex life.
You broke up the perfect couple, Kelly!