Fresh off Arrow Season 3 Episode 18 - which initially revealed Oliver’s superhero identity to Captain Lance… only for Roy to then pretend he is the Arrow - the pulsating drama will take a mini hiatus and return on April 15.
Upon its return, the show will be full speed ahead until the May 13 finale.
Based on the above footage, we know Oliver will be teaming up with the Atom and that a plan will be enacted to break Roy out of prison.
There will also be some eyeglasses getting removed eyeglasses... some undergarments being unhooked ... and a scarred chest being caressed.
And, wait. WHAT?!? Will it really be happening? Will Oliver and Felicity finally be giving in to their feelings, in a physical manner of speaking?
We'll find out plenty more on Arrow Season 3 Episode 19, but we'll leave fans alone now to check out the extended trailer again and again... and then again once more.
How good looking is Stephen Amell? Even with his shirt on in this photo, the actor just caused half the women reading this post to dump their boyfriends.
You thought we forgot him, didn't you? Damon Salvatore has SUPERatural ability and, whether he wants to admit it or not, the guy acts like a HERO on a weekly basis.