For the most part, US tabloids can print whatever BS they want and avoid getting sued, so long as they hide behind an anonymous "source."
So it's not every day that one of the major celeb rags admits any wrongdoing and apologizes to the parties involved.
Last week, Us Weekly retracted a story in which Kendall Jenner was falsely quoted on the topic of her father's sex change. Today, OK! Magazine is following suit by apologizing to Katy Perry for a story that now appears to have been completely fabricated.
A rumor Katy is pregnant made its way around the Internet earlier this month as the result of an Instagram post in which the singer wore a necklace with the word "mom" on it.
OK! decided to take that idle web chatter and run with it.
The magazine not only "confirmed" the news that Katy is expecting, it also reported that she's engaged to the unidentified baby daddy.
Presumably, someone in Katy's camp got pissed, because moments ago, OK!'s official Twitter account posted several tweets in which the editors apologized for their "error."
"In the March 2, 2015 print edition of OK! Magazine, we wrongly stated that Katy Perry is pregnant, and that she is planning a wedding," the tweets began.
"We acknowledge that Ms. Perry is not pregnant, and she is not planning a wedding. We regret the mistake and sincerely apologize to Ms. Perry for printing the error."
Sounds like someone's mighty scared of getting sued, eh?
The folks at OK! went on to apologize for publishing paparazzi photos of Katy that were "taken with a long lens while she was having a private function at her home."
C'mon, OK! You can't be two different kinds of dirty! What's the point of spying on someone if you're just gonna make crap up about them anyway?