Earlier this week, the world learned that Iggy Azalea got a boob job at some point in the past year, thus leaving us with one less question about the Aussie emcee.
Other queries, including, "Why are you famous?" and "What's up with the fake accent?" remain unanswered.
Of course, Iggy's admission didn't really make big waves for the simple reason that boob jobs are like well-connected parents in Hollywood - every starlets got 'em and they're all but guaranteed to help your career.
Yes, in 2015, the West Hollywood 1Oak has more plastic jugs than your local recycling center, but that doesn't mean they don't all deserve our attention.
So here now, is our list of the finest sculpted ta-tas the entertainment world has top offer. Ogle away:
Most of the women in the above gallery are confirmed silicone fans. We left off lots of "did they or didn't they" mystery boobs for want of sufficient evidence.
For example, Paris Hilton almost certainly has fake boobs, but they change so much from one photo to the next that despite the wealth of circumstantial evidence, we had to let her off on a technicality. She's like the OJ of implants.
And hey, maybe Paris just wants to keep the mystery alive (even though there's absolutely nothing mysterious about any other aspect of her life).
While we respect that, we'd like to take this moment to applaud the Iggys, the Poshes and, of course, the Pamelas - all of the ladies who are out, proud, and looking forward to sag-free futures. God bless you ladies and your unnaturally perky pairs.