Charlie Sheen isn't exactly known for his laid back demeanor, but when he flies into one of his famous online tirades, there's usually some reason for it (even if it's a totally, batsh-t crazy reason).
Back in January, when Sheen attacked Kim Kardashian on Twitter, it was because he thought she denied some little girl an autograph. (It turned out he was wrong.)
Earlier this month, when Sheen threatened Chuck Lorre, it was was because the producer crushed a Sheen look-alike with a falling piano on Two and a Half Men. (Like we said, crazy reasons count in Sheen World.)
The latest target of Sheen's outrage, however, seems to have done nothing worse than what millions of other Americans did this week:
Yes, President Obama filled out an NCAA tournament bracket, and Charlie Sheen is super pissed about it for some reason.
"Barry Satera Kenya you won't attend a soldier's funeral uhkros da street that u kild yet u have time 4 brackets? s a d," Sheen tweeted last night. He added a link to a photo of Obama making his predictions on ESPN.
Yes, at first glance, it appears that Sheen's tweet is written in some sort of nonsense language that twins teach each other, so allow us to interpret.
It seems Sheen is pissed because he bought into the bogus story that the Obama administration failed to send a representative to the funeral of Maj. Gen. Howard Green, when in actuality, then-Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel was in attendance.
In addition, Sheen is apparently angry that Obama is a college basketball, fan who...has a father from Kenya? We never claimed to fully understand this work of Sheenius.
As you might guess, the tweet was composed around 2 am, and we doubt that Charlie even knows exactly what the hell he was trying to say.
In 1991, Charlie and some friends contacted the FBI about what they believed to be a footage of actual murders. Turns out it was just a Japanese horror film.
Charlie Brown, the Cincinatti Reds, death threats to ex -wives...what do these thigs have in common? They're all immortalized on Charlie Sheen's body in tattoo form! Speaking of threatening to kill people...
Charlie has threatened to kill people ranging from his ex-wives to his former bosses on several occasions. You or I might go to jail for something like that, but we're not warlocks.
Sheen "accidentally" shot John Travolta's wife while they were dating in the early 90s. Needless to say, the relationship dissolved shortly thereafter.
Charlie Sheen thought he would be a good mentor to Lindsay Lohan (ed. note: HAHAHAHA!). In fact he kept mentioning the idea in interviews until the troubled actress reportedly begged Charlie to stop talking about her.
Charlie and Bret formed a film production company in the 90s. The two even co-wrote and co-directed a film entitled No Code of Conduct. Sadly, it's hard to find a DVD copy.
According to Sheen, he and Rihanna were dining in the same restaurant when he sent a request for her to come over and meet his wife. She declined and ended up becoming the subject of one of Sheen's epic Twitter rants. RiRi responded by calling Sheen an "old queen."
One of Charlie's first big roles was Mitch "Wild Thing" Vaughn in the 1989 comedy Major League. Turns out Charlie dodn't have to do much research for the part. Not only was he already a wild thing, he'd spent several summers at an exclusive baseball camp and a coach who worked with him told ESPN Sheen could've gone pro.
Charlie and the big-haired Jersey Shore star have been spotting hanging out on multiple occasions. They were recently seen bro-ing down at one of Pauly's gigs in Boston.
In the late 80s, an up-and-coming actress naed Winona Horowitz was struggling to come up with a stage name. Sheen suggested Ryder after listening to The Doors' song "Riders on the Storm." Ryder confirms the story, but Sheen continues to gripe that she hasn't diven him enough credit.
Charlie Sheen was on screen for about 3 minutes in the 80s comedy classic Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Even so, he stayed up for two days to achieve the proper "strung out" look for his character. Now he has that look all the time.
Bree Olson is one of the many porn stars Sheen has dated. She said he absolutley rocked her world in bed. High praise coming from someone as experienced as Bree.