Apparently the first Randy Quaid sex tape (above) was not an anomaly. Nor was his unexplained hatred of Fox chairman Murdoch a fleeting thing.
The film star turned certifiable expat has uploaded several sex romps featuring him and his wife Evi, which Gawker received a tip about this morning.
It turns out Quaid posted the clips on his Vidme page, where anyone and everyone can see them, calling it “a wormhole to some alternate universe.”
There are definitely some holes involved in these clips ... we'll say that much.
Randy's “wormhole” delivers one to the sight of the 64-year-old pleasuring his wife and vice versa. No holds barred. Just a dog barking excitedly.
Included in the videos on Quaid's page is the one posted earlier this year of Evi putting on a Rupert Murdoch mask while Randy bends her over.
They seem to blame Murdoch for their lot in life, saying that he's f--ked them, so they might as well return the favor. It's even weirder than that sounds.
In the extended clips we're just learning about now, Randy and Evi get down and dirty, ranting and railing, while a photo of Rupert is positioned to watch.
It's truly bizarre stuff you can't ever unsee ... but here's Randy's Vidme page.
The couple fled to Canada after being charged with vandalism in Santa Barbara, Calif., and claim to be hunted by an elite group of “Hollywood star-whackers.”
These assassins, the Quaids say, killed actors Heath Ledger and David Carradine. It's not entirely clear how Murdoch fits into all this ... but he must somehow.
Paris Hilton was Kim Kardashian before Kim Kardashian was Kim Kardashian. In other words, she got famous from a guy doing her on camera. She and Kim were also friends once!
Okay, there's nothing amateur about getting paid by a porn company to shoot an X-rated video called Backdoor Teen Mom. But she's far from a pro when it comes to everything else.
Mindy McCready's sex tape was called Baseball Mistress because she had an affair with MLB star Roger Clemens, who was not on the sex tape at all. Some other dude hit it then. That's just funny.
Myla Sinanaj, the girl Kris Humphries dated after Kim Kardashian dumped him, billed herself as the anti-Kim K. Ironic, since she is kind of obsessed with Kim K.
Randy Quaid only recently uploaded a series of foul videos featuring himself and wife Evi Quaid f--king, s--king and talking s--t about Rupert Murdoch. Totally normal.
Iggy Azalea's team couldn't figure out how whether to deny or try to supress her sex tape with former boyfriend Hefe Wine, so we're just gonna assume it's legit.