For several years now, the Internet has enjoyed calling Justin Bieber a douche bag and, frankly, the guy did a lot to earn the title.
There's really no other term for a guy who eggs his neighbor's house for no reason, endangers lives with drunken drag races, sags his skinny jeans...the list goes on and on.
But now it seems that the Biebs is in a transitional period, and he may come out on the other side of it a better person. He's like a douchey caterpillar transforming into a considerably less douchey butterfly.
Back in January, Justin apologized for his recent behavior in a mysterious self-shot video he posted online. Today on Ellen, he elaborated on that apology:
Apparently, in the Comedy Central Roast of Justin Bieber that airs this Monday, Justin actually takes a moment to be serious and explain how he lost his way for a while, but is now back on track. Pretty cool.
Of course, he's still the Biebs, which means he'll never break the habit of flirting with everything in sight...even if what's in sight is damn near old enough to be his grandmother:
Yes, undeterred by Madonna's mockery of his "sheriff's outfit" Bieber presses on and hints that he'd like to make the material girl feel like a virgin.
Don't ever change, Biebs. Just kidding - keep up with the change thing you've got going on. It's working for you.
You have to straighten up, son. Last year, you were ranked the fifth most-hated person of all time. Kim Jong-Un didn't rank that low. And he uses your music to torture people.
Let's get to the reason I’m here: to give Justin some tips for when he inevitably ends up in prison... The only place people will be following you in jail is into the shower.