In case it wasn't already painfully obvious, kids these days live in the age of blockbusters, not the age of Blockbuster.
They've never been told to be kind and rewind. They've never worried about recording over something. They've never tried to set the world's most complicated clock.
In short: they barely know what a VCR is or why it ever existed.
In the latest installment of Kids Reacting to Stuff, courtesy of The Fine Bros YouTube channel, a bunch of very young adults are given a VCS, a VHS and a giant old television.
They are then asked for their reactions, which range from confused... to irritated... to really confused and really irritated.
Why did these items ever exist when they are so much more work than a remote control and/or a DVD player?
This is the reaction all parents dream about when they tell their children that they're expecting another child. Watch two sisters react in total glee and just try not to smile.
In this ADORABLE video, a young girl grows very emotional while watching The Chipmunk Adventure. She cries and cries over a baby penguin being reunited with her mom.