There are nude photos of Kim Kardashian on the Internet! We know; you're shocked, but this is the world we live in now and you're just gonna have to accept it.
Okay, sarcasm aside, the latest Kim nudes started popping on Kanye West's Twitter feed about an hour ago.
We've posted them below so that you can enjoy the sight of Kim's naked form for the 4 millionth time without having your eyes assaulted by a bunch of Yeezy's all-caps rants about sweat pants.
Season 10 of Keeping Up With the Kardashians premiered last night, and Kim reached 30 million Twitter followers today, so Kanye decided to congratulate her by being all, "Hey, here's what you look like naked!"
Actually, his exact words were, "CONGRATS BABY ON 30 MILLION TWITTER FOLLOWERS!!!" Then he said "SWISH" a bunch of times in a row, because Kanye probably thinks he's influential enough to bring that word back.
Considering Kim's sex tape took her from Paris Hilton's big-bootied BFF to cultural force to be reckoned with, we suppose it's fitting that 'Ye chose to celebrate his wife's latest milestone with an avalanche of nudity, but couldn't he have switched it up a bit?
At this point, he's just flooding the market with Kim's giant boobs.
It's not enough that the two of them have sex 500 times a day, now he wants to see her gargantuan butt all over his social media pages too?
This dude's got the worst known case of Badokadonk Fever. Somewhere, Ray J is planning an intervention.