Earlier this week, Lindsay Lohan made her latest mistake in life, dropping the N-Word while boasting about a Kanye West concert on Twitter.
The actress quickly deleted her faux pas... and then proceeded to crack Instagram up with this Photoshop fail.
But the initial point is this: Lohan may have done some bat$hit crazy things throughout the past decade or so, but writing something dumb on Twitter is pretty far down on that list.
Because she is far from alone in this misguided endeavor.
Alec Baldwin has a temper problem. That was never more evident than when he went on a homophobic rant against The Daily Mail writer George Stark, Tweeting: "I'm gonna find you, George Stark, you toxic little queen, and I'm gonna fuck… you… up. I'd put my foot up your fucking ass, George Stark, but I'm sure you'd dig it too much."
After Penn State fired football coach Joe Paterno because he helped cover up a child rape case, Kutcher Tweeted: "How do you fire Jo Pa? #insult #noclass as a hawkeye fan I find it in poor taste." He may not have had all the information at the time.
The Iron Man star created an uproar after writing of photo of Jay-Z and Kanye West, "N****s in Paris for real." Granted, she was just quoting a song. But still.
Remember when that airplane vanished? CNN sure does! And Jason Biggs used it as a chance to make a joke, Tweeting: "Anyone wanna buy my Malaysian Airlines frequent flier miles?"
Lohan removed the N-Word reference in this Tweet not long after she posted it (following a Kanye West concert). But nothing ever disappears from the Internet!
Hilson apologized for posting this photo and for writing the caption "Amy Winehouse resurrected to party w/ me!!! (seriously, uncanny resemblance)." Many saw it as insensitive, considering Winehouse died of a drug overdose.
Remember when Russell Armstrong from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills killed himself? Ice-T couldn't help himself when he wrote: "Bad Joke… But alotta those wives would make me consider it."
The director made his disdain about American Sniper's depiction of Chris Kyle clear with the following Tweet: "My uncle killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot u in the back. Snipers aren't heroes. And invaders r worse."
Chros Brown has done far worse to women, but he once Tweeted of Tamar Braxton: "You the same bitch having threesomes like the rest of these hoes. U tried it too Tamara."
"If Everybody In The World Dropped Out Of School We Would Have A Much More Intelligent Society . . . Everybody Get Off Your Phones And Go Do What You Actually Wanna Do." We do agree with the second part of his statement.
Amanda Bynes has plenty of issues. But she thinks Drake is ugly?!? "@drake please don't think you're good looking!" she once wrote. "Ew!...I'll post ugly pics of @Drake every time I see one! Not hard ;)...Ugly far apart eyes."
Rashida Jones came out and apologized in 2012 after writing of a certain movie star: "It's time. Like John Travolta. Come out! Come on. How many masseurs have to come forward? Let's do this."
Asked by a fan, "Is this how you spell lasonia?" Martin replied: "It depends. Are you in an African-American neighborhood or at an Italian restaurant?" He later apologized.