Oh, Caroline Forbes. You may want to be careful about what you ask for.
As an act of vengeance against her friends last night, a humanity-free Caroline threatened to kill Sarah Salvatore on The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 16... unless her uncle turned off his humanity, that is.
Stefan had no choice but to acquiesce, which led to a fun closing scene in which he and Caroline shared a couple of margaritas.
Titled "A Bird in a Gilded Cage," the installment will find Caroline perhaps biting off more than she can chew with Ripper Stefan.
Elsewhere, an unexpected gift from Bonnie will leave Damon shaken to his core, while she and Kai actually help Elena and Damon try to rescue Mrs. Salvatore from the 1903 prison world.
Back at Whitmore College, meanwhile, Enzo and Alaric will also team up to reel Caroline back in. But theirplan doesn’t quite go as well as they hope it would after they realize they've been outmaneuvered.
How good looking is Stephen Amell? Even with his shirt on in this photo, the actor just caused half the women reading this post to dump their boyfriends.
You thought we forgot him, didn't you? Damon Salvatore has SUPERatural ability and, whether he wants to admit it or not, the guy acts like a HERO on a weekly basis.