President Barack Obama was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night.
And he let his loyal followers down twice.
First, the most powerful man in the world read the most tame insults in the world for his Mean Tweets segment.
Then, he was asked by the host about Kanye West... and he failed to add fuel to the fire of what has seemed like an occasional rivalry.
“I’ve met Kanye twice,” Obama explained. “The first time was when I was a senator and he was with his mom. He’d just gotten big. He’s from Chicago, so they wanted to meet, and he was very soft-spoken and very gracious. He was a young guy, and hadn’t quite come into his own.
"And about six months ago, he came to an event... I love his music and he’s incredibly creative."
Does Obama really have West's home phone number, as the artist recently implied?
No, "I don’t think I’ve got his home number," he said.
In April 2012, of course, Obama called Kanye a jackass.
The following year, the President pointed to Kanye and Kim Kardashian as bad examples for the country's youth due to how casually they flaunted their wealth.
Sorry, though, Kanye. Perhaps he just wanted to keep your ego in check, but Obama failed to make you seem like a very big presence in his life last night.