None other than Britney Spears is reportedly in talks to perform the next Super Bowl halftime show, 15 years after she first took the stage at the big game.
This sure gives new meaning to “Oops I Did It Again” ... or something.
“She’s definitely doing a part in the Super Bowl halftime show next year,” an industry insider said of the 33-year-old pop megastar's Super comeback.
“The details haven’t totally been worked out yet, but it will be huge.”
Britney Spears lays one on Madonna. Yes, that's Madonna and Britney Spears (who appears to be waring a lace teddy) in an open-mouthed kiss. Let's take a long, long, LONG look at this one, shall we? Yes. Let's.
Britney Spears and Rihanna kiss at the Billboard Music Awards in May 2011. Guys, try to contain your obvious excitement right now, even though it's hard. Pun intended.
Britney Spears is like an animal, caged and waiting to be set free so that she may inundate us with sensual, pulse-pounding music. And the occasional crotch shot.
Britney Spears gives men everywhere some very compelling thoughts with this photo from Out magazine. Nice to see that after all these years she remains so limber.
Spears will probably also bring along some famous friends, most likely Miley Cyrus, in a special guest appearance (the celebs share the same management).
"She’s conquered Las Vegas with her shows there and now she’s ready to do something massive” at the NFL championship game, the insider added.
Spears previously played the Super Bowl with NSYNC and Steven Tyler in 2001, which would make the 2016 bonanza her 15th anniversary on the field.
Following in the footsteps of Beyonce and Katy Perry will be difficult, especially since this is so far from Brit's snake-donning, latex-wearing heyday.
At the same time, everybody lip syncs at the Super Bowl, and Twitter is looking to ridicule the performer anyway, so expectations aren't as high as you think.
What do you think? Can Britney still get it done on the biggest stage?