It's been almost seven weeks since Bobbi Kristina Brown was found unconscious in her bathtub, and there's still no official word on what caused the 21-year-old to slip into a coma.
Several friends of Bobbi Kristina's have come forward to confirm that she was using heavily in the weeks before her near-drowning. None of those witnesses, however, knew Bobbi as well or offered as much detail about her habits as Steven Stapho.
Stapho has been friends with Bobbi since high school, and he with lived her and Nick Gordon in the months leading up to her hospitalization.
In the above video, he describes Bobbi and Nick's drug use, and the ways in which it escalated following the death of Whitney Houston.
"A lot more when their mom passed away," Stapho says. "They did do some before their mom passed away, but it got really bad when their mom passed away.
When asked what sort of drugs Bobbi preferred, Stapho relipes, "Roxies, heroin, Xanax, weed. Mainly opiates, opioids."
Stapho adds that Bobbi and Nick would spend as much as $1,000 a day on drugs and wind up "knocked out on the bed passing out. There were times when they'd burn themselves with a cigarette and not even notice. They were that f-cked up."
About halfway through the clip, Stapho even goes so far as to say that Bobbi Kristina either overdosed, or was the victim of some sort of foul play:
"I think she overdosed...probably heroin," Stapho says. "If she wasn't on heroin, maybe Xanax. Or someone tried to hurt her."
Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon were married, but reportedly estranged at the time of her tragic hospitalization. We hope she is able to beat the odds and recover.