After he hemmed, hawed and ultimately dispatched Becca Tilley, Whitney Bischoff and Chris Soules got engaged on The Bachelor season finale last night.
For Whitney, and for Chris, it seems like a fairy tale with a happy ending. But will it last? Or will they meet the same fate as so many other Bachelor duos?
At least right now, it seems unlikely that this union will crumble.
"She was the person I could see myself with," Soules explains. "Whitney is my soulmate. It became even more clear at the end. It just felt right."
The betrothed couple, who have communicated in secret since the finale's taping in November, and even met up in secret in Iowa, is going public.
Not a lot seems to have changed since the cameras rolled.
"I'm relieved that this is over," Bischoff says. "I'm looking forward to the life that we're going to start. I think a lot of great things are going to happen."
Like getting down to the business of procreation, ASAP.
Bischoff plans to relocate to Soules' hometown, where the pair hope to commence making babies (outside of a fertility center this time) soon. Says Chris:
"I'm ready to be a dad. I'm 33. I think I'm past due!"
While they are currently taking wedding plans "step by step," there's nothing to suggest that this pair won't ride off into the heartland sunset together.
"We had this great love story that now we get to build upon and start a new love story in real life," says Whitney Bischoff, gushing about her man as always.
Even if they somehow split, the bar is set pretty low for the future Mr. and Mrs. Soules, given how most of the Bachelor's final rose winners have fared.
Chris Soules and Whitney Bischoff just got engaged on The Bachelor season finale in March 2015. It seems like they are still together, as happy as ever and built to last ... but stay tuned.
Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney got engaged, and married, and had a kid! After he dumped his final rose recipient Melissa Rycroft and chose Molly instead ... close enough.
Travis Stork and Sarah Stone broke up before The Bachelor finale and After the Final Rose special even aired. Now that takes decidation to not making it work.
Trista Rehn and Ryan Sutter have been together so long, we forget that she was ever not Mrs. Ryan Sutter. They have been married for a decade and have two kids!
Juan Pablo's now-infamous non-proposal made him persona non grata for many fans, but he and winner Nikki Ferrell were together for a good six months before she finally got sick of his crap.
Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray split up after just six months together. Amazingly, they appeared happily together and in love just days before they called it off.