The backlash against Melissa McCarthy's Elle cover was FIERCE with critics blaming the magazine for trying to hide Melissa's curves. Melissa responded "Hey, I have curves. I love that jacket. STFU." or something like that.
Mad Men's beautiful Christina Hendricks was once asked if she enjoyed being a role model for "full figured" women. "Are you calling me fat?" she replied, before her agent could end the interview.
Clarkson has shrugged off these insults and simply said Hopkins doesn't know her.
If Hopkins did know her, Clarkson says, she would think differently. Because she's awesome!
And we couldn't agree more! Clarkson is one of many female celebrities who will never be mistaken for a Size Zero, but who who we would still classify as our hottie heroes!
These women should strut their stuff loud and strut their stuff proud.
And Katie Hopkins should never be allowed to speak ever again.