Back in December, 18-year-old Raleigh-Durham native Alysa Bathrick became known as "Cute Mug Shot Girl" after she posted her booking photo on Twitter so that the whole world could see how totes adorbs she looked when she got busted for possession.
The pic viral for two reasons:
Alysa is better-looking than your average inmate,
And she hilariously responded "Xanax homie" when asked why she'd been locked up.
Now, the situation has become both less cute and less funny, as Alysa has been arrested again (this time for shoplifting), and she's reportedly been taken into custody three times in just the past 12 months.
To make matters worse, her other mug shots aren't nearly as on fleek as the one that went viral:
Clearly, the attractive mug shot bubble has burst.
In 2014, Alysa and "Hot Mug Shot Guy" Jeremy Meeks became overnight sensations attracting thousands of pervs offering to pay their bail and slap the cuffs right back on them.
It's almost like attractive people are bound by the same laws as the rest of society! If that's true, how come Chris Brown and Lindsay Lohan aren't serving life sentences?
Nathaniel Follette posed for this amazing mug shot - possibly the greatest of all time - after a recent arrest for riding his bike through a grocery store.
Did they have to put her in the police car to drag her to the station? Like, how does this hair even fit in a car? And how did she get it to stand up like that? Fiberglass!?!
Please let this be an arrest for littering or public urination and not for anything that actually involves him inspecting the bodies of women he doesn't know.
Was this guy trying to shave his beard to hide his identity? Does he always walk around like this? Did he get arrested in the middle? So many questions! But not as man as...
This Florida man got arrested after riding a bicycle through the Taco Bell drive-thru while drunk and then causing a scene. Sounds about right, doesn't it?