Kim Kardashian has tried out lots of new looks over the years (with mixed results), but the new style that the sex tape/reality star tried out in Paris last night is getting an unusual amount of attention, which is really saying something, considering this girl once broke the Internet.
That's Kim showing off her new blonde locks in the City of Light, and the reaction to Mrs. West's House Slytherin style has been overwhelmingly negative.
As far as we can tell, the problem is that the combination of Kim's spray-tan copper skin tone and her bottle-blonde hair makes for a sort of Bart Simpson effect, and it's hard to tell where her forehead stops and her hair begins.
Speaking of foreheads, Kim's beauty regimen has been in the news a lot lately, both because it's outrageously expensive, and because she apparently suffers from a rare condition known as Wookie Dome:
"I have the hairiest forehead you could ever imagine," Kim told People magazine recently. "If you Google 2008 or 2007, I had the craziest, hairiest hairline, so I did laser it.
If you thought Kim's sex tape was revealing just wait til you see what she looked like pre-Botox! Come to think of it all those injections might explain Kim's expressionless face and wonky eye in the Paris pics.
A clothed Kim Kardashian is what you see here, but in Playboy, what you saw was a mostly naked Kim Kardashian. Here is Kim at a party for the magazine she would go on to appear in.
Kim Kardashian is shot in her bra and underwear in this photo for Ralph Magazine. Yes, that's a real magazine. And they offered Kim money, so of course she posed for it.
Once again, Kim Kardashian is failing to wear a shirt. This time, the occasionally hot socialite is posing half-naked for Travis Barker's fashion line.
Step back from your computer! The sight of Kim Kardashian's boobs might be too much for one set of eyes to handle. My goodness, those are gigantic knockers!