Back in January, Catelynn Lowell welcomed a baby boy.
It was the second time she'd given birth, but she and Tyler Baltierra chose to put their first child up for adoption. This one they'll be raising by themselves.
As chronicled by an MTV camera crew, Catelynn's decision to find a home for her first child was not an easy one.
Then just 16 years old, Catelynn and Tyler believed they were unable to provide a suitable environment for a baby, and based on the revelations made in Catelynn's new memoir, it seems that they definitely made the right call.
"We messed around with just about everything we could get our hands on," says Tyler Baltierra of he and Catelynn's early years as a couple.
He adds that they experimented with everything from pot to cocaine, and that at one point he had a seizure while huffing household cleaners.
Catelynn recounts a similarly frightening experience using inhalants:
"My friend Sam and I were riding bikes in the trailer park. I huffed some, then rode away...Next thing I knew, I was lying on my back in the street with the rain pouring down on me....I could have been run over!"
Most of Catelynn and Tyler's problems were inherited from their hard-living parents and from a young age, they were surrounded by adults who invited them to experiment with drugs and alcohol.
Given their lack of role models, Catelynn and Tyler's rapid transformation from wayward youths to responsible, hard-working parents is nothing short of miraculous, and we look forward to seeing how far they've come on the upcoming Teen Mom OG.
Of course, you can always watch Teen Mom online to seen the high school sweethearts in less stable times.