We're constantly amazed by dogs here at The Hollywood Gossip.
They jump in to cold water in order to save the lives of their owners . They really love their stuffed animals . And they get SOOOO HAPPY upon greeting their returning owners.
But this is a first.
In the following video, a Husky puppy actually tries to talk instead of bark... and he sort of succeeds!
Seriously, have ever heard anything like that?!?
We'd love to know what the little guy is trying to say: take me outside! Feed me! Hold me closer! Throw me a tennis ball! Take me to a ball pit now !!!!
Pretty incredible, huh?
Check out the video and then click around the adorable photo gallery below:
Come on. You're not even running in these right now!
Even when you're not sick! What's a "check up," anyway?!?
Do they not see me here?!?
I can fly! Wait... no. I was wrong.
A message from our sponsor.
Walking up a flight of stairs is akin to climbing a mountain.
A message from our sponsor.
And everyone at the dog park makes fun of you for it.
Darn it! I almost had it.
And you don't even get your own bed!
A message from our sponsor.
You have feelings, you know!
It's like you're not even there sometimes.
A little help here, please?
Seriously, a little help here?!?
A message from our sponsor.
Before you know it, nothing fits.