On 19 Kids and Counting Season 15 Episode 2, Ben and Jessa prepared for their wedding, while Jill and Derick started preparing for their baby's arrival.
Exciting stuff down in Arkansas, people! And it's only going to become more so!
What happened when the expectant, soon-to-be parents of #BabyDilly met with a midwife? And when Jinger Duggar took photos of the soon-to-be newlyweds?
We know Jessa Duggar likes to break the mold (and not just because she lives in a house full of mold). She's not just going to recreate Jill's wedding.
She's not really interested in the whole princess thing, or shopping for a dress for that matter. It's just a means to an end for the future Mrs. Seewald.
Not that she isn't looking forward to the wedding, or marrying Ben.
"I think it's important that whatever dress she chooses is modest, too. 'Cause I get kind of jealous, you know? She's my girl," said Ben in an interview.
Oh we know, Ben. You don't want any guys ogling your girl.
She opted for a blush-colored gown, and looked gorgeous, because come on, it's Jessa. She looks amazing in anything. The bridesmaids, however?
Jinger Duggar said it best when she accurately pointed out that having one single, simple dress fit a gaggle of girls is going to be a tall order to say the least.
Luckily, this family can sew so hard. So they're good to go.
The Duggar parents often accompany their kids on dates in order to maintain "accountability" and "keep things from going in the wrong direction," per Jim Bob. The girls are fine with this, as being alone with men puts them in grave "moral danger." When the parents aren't available, their older siblings will often tag along, making every date a group date and a family affair.
Even in the kids' late teens and early 20s, mom and dad are creeping on their text messages. When Ben Seewald jokingly wrote to fiancee Jessa, "Give me a ring," Jim Bob actually jumped in on the group text, writing "No ring yet." With a smiley face emoticon. Seriously, he did that. Jim Bob needs his own Instagram so he can start posting screen shots of this stuff.
This moment you see here between Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard would not have been permitted until the couple was married. Side hugs are the preferred method of PDA in order to prevent any further temptation or hanky panky, as has been well documented on 19 Kids and Counting. The Duggars love their side hugs so hard. Any touching beyond that? Save it for your wedding night.
This is probably an obvious one if you know anything about the Duggars. The family does not smoke or drink. They do, however, enjoy the occasional sugary dessert or getting high on life and love.
Safe to say the Duggars are in the minority, having not read Fifty Shades of Grey (the movie adaptation of which they won't be seeing either, we're guessing). The Bible warns not to "think about gratifying the pleasure of the flesh," so instead the family studies Christian text and not E.L. James' erotic fiction. The Duggars' option is probably better-written.
Avert your eyes, Michelle Duggar! The family matriarch feels that dancing encourages "sensual" feelings, while Jessa Duggar has said that she feels modern music promotes "sex, drugs, all that type of stuff." Instead, the family chooses to play gospel music together.
Yes, seriously. There is Duggar-approved swimwear (it's conservative and not very revealing, spoiler alert) but when it comes to the beach, that's not happening. At all. Blame the general public. "It's just too hard for the guys to try and keep their eyes averted," Michelle explains. If we happened upon Kaley Cuoco doing beach yoga, we might see her point. But we also wouldn't complain.
Even if you took out the boozy parties and sexy nurses and cats looking to get frisky, Halloween would still be a no-go for the Duggars. According to the parents, magic and witches are "part of a demonic realm God wants us to stay away from," and this holiday qualifies. To each their own.
We don't actually know if there's a definitive rule against the use of birth control in the Duggar household, but it's clearly not something the family is thinking about, or using, ever. Just saying. Once those vows are exchanged, fornication and procreation tend to happen early and often, ensuring that the great state of Arkansas will never have a population shortage of really nice, quirky, family-first, side-hug loving human beings.
Meanwhile, midwife Jill Dillard - a woman who has delivered more than 30 babies herself - is now finding herself on the other end of the arrangement.
And struggling with morning sickness, which is pretty brutal.
Not even that could diminish her optimism, however, especially not after hearing #BabyDilly's heartbeat for the first time - a first for husband Derick.
He called it "very special," and anyone who's ever experienced that moment - especially for the first time - know that's the understatement of all time.
Other things to look forward to if you watch 19 Kids and Counting online this week include Jason Duggar, 14, being kind of over his chaperone role.
Hey, you gotta put those kids to work. And there's free food.
Jinger's not the only one helping out with wedding planning, either. First-born son Josh Duggar, 26, will design Jessa's invitations, just as he did for Jill.
As for the oft-maligned older sister of Jill and Jessa, Jana Duggar, she was probably stuck watching 9-10 siblings and cleaning the house this entire time.
Jana Marie Duggar is so beautiful ... and put upon, supposedly, by a family that relies on her to help take care of the others but never have a life of her own. If that's true, it's sad. Is it time for her to break free?
Jana Duggar has some beautiful hair. Not that a guy will be able to see it up close as she's locked up at home raising her 16 younger sibs, but she looks great.