Love & Hip Hop Season 5 Episode 10 saw more drama between Peter and Amina, Mendeecees and Yandy, and pretty much everyone else come to think about it.
Let's break down the specifics in this week's recap ...
When Love & Hip Hop Season 5 Episode 10 got underway, we learned that Mendeecees told a lie to Yandy about Omere, which will not go over well.
At the same time, Erica informed her loved ones that she's actually in love (for reals) and Diamond sought out Rich Dollaz's assistance to win back Cisco.
Chrissy, meanwhile, took part in a racy photo shoot.
The main focus, however, was the complicated love triangle between Peter Gunz, his wife Amina and his ex-wife Tara, which boiled over at long last.
How did it take this long? No one can say for sure.
Under the Gunz (sorry), Peter confesses to loving them both, but then Amina tells Tara about all the girls Peter "dated" while he was married to Tara.
Yikes. At that point, all hell starts to break loose.
He calls Amina a snitch, likening this reveal to her calling the police and informing them that the "guns are under the bed and the coke’s in the freezer."
It's not clear as of press time wheter Peter Gunz has any actual guns under the bed or drugs in the freezer, but we would not be shocked with this clown.
Ridiculous analogies aside, Amina apologizes for snitching, but Peter warns her not to take their baby girl to Germany. She is unmoved by his threat.
How will this saga possibly end well? It likely won't.
However, you can watch Love & Hip Hop online to find out. Above all else, it promises to be entertaining when the fit hits the shan, if you know what we mean.
We mean there are almost always fights.