Marriage Boot Camp Season 2 Episode 7 featured the exorcism of the cast's personal demons ... or at least that was the idea behind this latest installment.
For the increasingly unhinged Spencer Pratt, this took on a new meaning, and may have worked a little too well, as it nearly turned him into a demon.
The gist of Marriage Boot Camp Season 2 Episode 7 was helping the celebrity (term used loosely) couples find out if they still have a future together.
Jim and Elizabeth Carroll examined their relationships by putting them through a tough challenge: coming face-to-face with their personal demons.
As you can see when you watch Marriage Boot Camp online, emotions ran high when the cast members were forced to take a hard look at themselves.
Syleena Johnson admits that she was molested as a child. Heidi Montag opens up about being molested several times as a very young child, too.
Aviva Drescher talks impersonally about the childhood accident that caused her to lose a leg. She shows no emotion or interest in opening up, however.
The other stars feel like Aviva isn't going all in. Jim has the same feeling about Spencer Pratt, who unlike Aviva, admits he has his guard up a little.
Or a lot. Pratt is still smarting over the fact that he feels he was RUINED by a reality TV producer who cast him as the “villain” on MTV's The Hills.
“I have to be extra guarded now, Spencer Pratt tells Jim, because of his fear that his persona will be abused and "manipulated by reality TV producers."
“Do you think the producers here want to do that?” Jim asks, genuinely.
“I have suspicions,” Spencer replies, even though he signed up for this.
The Marriage Boot Camp stars are then forced to admit who in their life has hurt them the most and must choose between two doors, Forgive or Forget.
Syleena chooses to forgive her father, and when she walks through the door, he is standing on the other side ... and takes no responsibility for anything.
Wow. Heidi Montag admits she's still bitter at none other than Lauren Conrad, and a therapist stands in for LC, who admits being a really bad friend.
Finally, Spencer had to confront the producer he says destroyed his life, past and future ... played by Jim Carroll, who was REALLY egging him on!
Pratt ultimately forgives the producer, but for a moment it really looked like he had lost touch with reality and was going to cold cock Jim on the spot.
With these loons, you never can assume anything ...
We've never seen Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag kiss before. Oh wait, we totally have. Just not this morning until now. That would be the better summation.
These were the days, when Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt used to just pose for pictures and stir up trouble on The Hills. Nowadays it's kind of gone to $h!t.
A photo of Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt in happier times. These two just work together, and will be together forever ... oh wait, they're reportedly splitting up. Knew it had to happen at some point.
Heidi Montag nude is a beautiful thing. Well, not really, unless you're Spencer Pratt. We can take it or leave it, honestly. But in any case, this is Heidi Montag nude, in Playboy, and possibly in the bed where Spencer gives her 20-30 orgasms a day. Her words!
Heidi Montag in Playboy is a bit of a disappointment. You would see the same amount of coverage in any Victoria's Secret catalog, and the women would actually be gorgeous. Imagine that.