Justin Bieber has been in anger management classes but has not done any community service due to a soccer injury, according to a ridiculous new report.
Going to a strip club is not the worst offense in the world, but when you do it ALL THE TIME and take pics like this, AND your fans are all young girls? Pretty reprehensible.
Yeah. Selfies like this work if you're Matthew McConaughey. Not Justin Bieber. Also, Matthew McConaughey would never post selfies like this because he doesn't need to constantly beg for attention or prove to himself that he's cool.
Dude, you are not hard. Just stop trying. Also, the irony of having Bible verses tattooed on yourself and then behaving beyond badly 24/7/365 does not go unnoticed.
Justin is doing his best to ruin the reputation of an entire nation, which is particularly devastating as The Great White North typically doesn't produce miscreants like this.
Sure, the paparazzi suck, and yes, a little more space might help cool his jets. Still, acting like a petulant, entitled brat and threatening people doesn't help his cause.
Ruining your own life is one thing, but when you cross the line into DUI, drag racing and starting fights? That's when you're bringing others down with you (and may even be risking their lives), and you essentially suck as a person.
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The 20-year-old's lawyer, Shawn Holley, was in court this morning for a progress report in the case involving the singer egging his neighbor's house.
Thus far, Justin has completed nine out of 12 anger management classes, as per the plea deal he copped to keep his punk arse out of the slammer.
As for the community service he also must complete, Holley said Bieber screwed up ... his foot and thus could not pick up trash or remove graffiti.
Somehow, hurting one's self in a pickup soccer game in Turks and Caicos seems like a B.S. excuse, but Holley submitted a doctor's note to the judge.
That appeared to do the trick, as did his positive report from a probation officer lauding Bieber, who he said "has displayed a cooperative attitude."
Justin Bieber, as he has expressed publicly, his showing "a sincere desire to be more diligent in complete anger management and community labor."
He was also supposed to attend one anger management session per week, and he's fallen short of by three out of 12. Not terrible, but room for improvement.
He's been walking the walk as well as talking the talk so far in his vow to be a better person, so we would think he'll step up his probation game soon.